Tuesday, February 06, 2007

ThiruavatAra mandapam

Dear BhAgavathAs, Welcome to this blog! Since adiyEn reached Madhuramangalam very late, could able to attend from thirumanjanam onwards, and could able to cover only some snaps. Anyhow by AchAryan's grace would try to share the anubhavam. The above is the thiruavatAra mandapam - birth place of Swamy Embar at Madhuramangalam at which thirumanjanam for AchAryar embAr and Sri Vaikunta Perumal was held on 31-Jan-07. This thiruavatAra mandapam is situated around 0.5 km from the main temple amidst the farm lands. At the side of the mandapam, one can see a pond which is used by AchAryar for performing kainkaryam to perumAl (as said by bhattar).